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Tag Archives: pimm’s no. 1

Day 90, Cocktail 92

Another warm day in Milwaukee, another great pool day!  I definately needed somthing cool and refreshing, and I still need to use up all those cucumbers growing in the garden!  The inspiration for today’s cocktail is from a drink I had several years ago at the Hi Hat in Milwaukee’s Eastside.  That particular cocktail muddled cucumber, orange, lime and maybe lemon with St. Germain, Hendricks and topped with tonic water. 

I initially set about to basically do the same thing, but started looking through the cabinet with all the liqueurs.  Pimm’s is also a pretty good match for cucumber, so I started messing around a bit with proportions  Here is what I came up with.

  Tangerine Dream

  • 1-1/2 oz Bombay gin
  • 1/2 oz Pimm’s No. 1
  • dash of Agnosturo bitters
  • 2 cucumber slices (about 1/8″ thick)
  • 2 lime slices (about 1/8″ thick)
  • 2 tangerine slices (about 1/8″ thick)
  • Tonic water

In a mixing glass muddle the cucumber, lime and tangerine slices with the Pimm’s and Agnosturo bitters.  Pour into a large collins glass or pint glass.  Add 5-6 ice cubes, gin and tonic water and stir to mix.  Garnish with a tangerine wedge.

I truly enjoyed this cocktail.  The Pimm’s added just a hint syrupy and herbal flavor that balanced well with the citrus and cucumber.  The tonic water lightened this up enough to make it perfect for a warm summer day.


May I have a Pimm's Cup now?

Day 71, Cocktail 69

I hope you had a great 4th of July holiday – we certainly did!  Starting with the tailgate for the parade (and our Bloody Marys) through swimming in the pool (while enjoying a Kentucky Kiss) to the BBQ last night it was a great day.  Now, its time to move on!

I’d been waiting all summer for Wimbledon to do my write up for today’s cocktail, and I damn near missed it!  Congratulations to Serena Williams and Rafael Nadal on their victories.  We all know that strawberries and cream are the order of the day at Wimbeldon, along with white tennis outfits.  However, do you know what they drink at Wimbeldon?  Why, a Pimm’s Cup, of course. 

The Pimm’s Cup features Pimm’s Cup No. 1, an apertif developed and marketed by James Pimm back in the 1840’s.  While the full ingredient list of Pimm’s No. 1 is still secret, we do know that it is based on gin with herbs and quinine added.  When asked to describe the taste, the closest I can come is the coca cola syrup my mom used to give me when I had an upset stomach.  Other’s have likened it to sloe gin, although it is not that sweet.

During Wimbledon’s run some 40,000 pints of the Pimm’s Cup will be served.  In my book, this makes it as English as bangers and mash.  I hope you enjoy it!

  Pimm’s Cup

  • 1-1/2 oz Pimm’s No. 1
  • 3 oz fresh lemonade
  • Club soda

Combine all the ingredients in a highball glass and garnish with a cucumber slice.

This is a very refreshing drink, great on a warm summer day while watching tennis, or anything else for that matter!


Now that's 1-1/2 oz rum, 1/2 oz maraschino...

Day 42, Cocktails 36 and 37

So I’m trying to figure out how to use up the left over limes and grapefruit juice I have in the Twilight Lounge.  A quick internet search and I stumble into this little gem called the Hemingway Daiquiri.  This cocktail is reputed to have come about while Ernest Hemingway was frequenting the La Floridita bar in Havana, a hot spot for daiquiris.  Hemingway, known for his drinking, didn’t like sweet drinks and convinced the head bartender of La Floridita, Constante Ribalaigua, to mix a daiquiri for him that used maraschino liqueur rather than simple syrup.  The result is now commonly known as the Hemingway Daiquiri and was thoroughly enjoyed by yours truly.

  Hemingway Daiquiri

  • 1-1/2 oz light rum
  • 1/2 oz maraschino liqueur
  • 1/2 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz grapefruit juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup

Combine all the ingredients in a shaker with ice cubes.  Shake to mix and chill.  Pour into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a lime twist.

The maraschino and grapefruit give a great twist to the classic daiquiri.  Thank you Mr. Hemingway!

Part two tonight is actually from last Saturday’s gathering.  The credit for this one goes to Mark Stoffel who was using the fresh lemon mint he had picked up at the local farmer’s market that morning.  Just like food, great drinks come from fresh ingredients!

  Pimm’s Mint

  • 1-1/2 oz rye whiskey
  • 1/2 oz lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz Pimms No. 1
  • 1/2 oz Heering Cherry liqueur
  • 1 oz simple syrup
  • 2 dashes Agnosturo bitters
  • 5-6 lemon mint (or regular mint) leaves

Muddle the mint leaves with the lemon juice, Pimms, Heering and simple syrup in a shaker glass.  Add the rye, Agnosturo and ice and shake to mix and chill.  Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with mint leaves.

This tasty number works quite well as the bitters pull together the Pimms, Heering and rye while the lemon provides some balance.  The aromatics from the mint top this off like a cherry on a sundae!  Great job Mark!


Day Three, Cocktail Four

One of the little gems that I came across about a year or so ago is Pimms #1.  I learned about Pimms and the Pimms Cup (more on the Pimms Cup in a later post) from a great book entitled “The Craft of the Cocktail” by Dale Degroff.  Pimms #1 was originally put together by James Pimm, the proprietor of a London oyster bar in the 1840’s.  His concoction was originally meant to be a digestive tonic and was based on gin flavored with various herbs, quinine and other, secret ingredients.  After the success of #1 James went on to create numbers 2 through 6, based on whiskey, brandy, rum, rye and vodka respectively.  Each was sold commercially, although all that is left today is #1, which can be found at most well stocked liquor stores.  But, I digress…

So, what does Pimms #1 taste like?  In the past I’ve described it as a cross between cola syrup and sloe gin.  As I’ve described this to others that have had it they’ve generally agreed.  It is 50 proof, so you can mix this on its own with ginger ale or lemon lime soda and have one or two more than your usual quota.

All of this is a long, roundabout way to get where I’m headed tonight.  I was out last night with my good friend and cocktail buddy Mark Stoffel.  When we got to the Hi Hat in Milwaukee’s Eastside he ordered up a couple of Pimms Marks.  This is a drink of his creation that combines rye (our new favorite of the moment), Pimms #1 and Luxardo maraschino liqueur (another favorite of the moment).  It was incredibly well balanced and delicious with multiple levels of flavor.  Well done Mark!

  Pimms Mark

  • 1-1/2 oz good rye whiskey
  • 1/2 oz Pimms #1
  • 1/2 oz Luxardo maraschino liqueur
  • 1 oz bar syrup
  • 1/2 oz lemon juice
  • 2-3 dashes Peychaud’s bitters


Combine all the ingredients in a shaker with cubed ice.  Shake “like hell” (as Mark says).  Serve in a well chilled cocktail glass with a lemon zest wedge.
